
The cardinal and the squirrel

There is a cardinal and a squirrel playing in the tree,

Two of God\'s creations, different as can be,

Co-existing and playing together, completely worry free,

Little grey squirrel and Mr cardinal in red,

Not caring about their differences,or their way of life,

Not putting each other down, causing a lot of strife,

Just because they look different doesn\'t mean that they cannot be friends,

Because they are a different color,doesn\'t mean that they should play at different ends,

The mighty tree is big enough for them to coexist side by side,

Instead of displaying hate and evil, splitting the canyon of hate ever wide,

So let\'s all get along,side by side,with our brothers in all walks of life,

Lift up and support those who are lost,and gently lead them to the Lord of all,

He loves us equally and will save us all,lest we fall.