
Advent Anticipation

Tune: Veni Emmanuel

(\'O come, O come, Emmanuel\')

Isaiah 52 v.7-10


Emmanuel, God with us, come to earth

Glad tidings of a Saviour\'s birth

How beautiful on Zion\'s mounts

Messenger from whence springs blessings founts



Prepare, prepare! The advent of the Lord

Is near, His second coming, true His word


There be proclaiming of the peace

Which the Lord brings without a cease

Good tidings of good things, mankind

Salvation in Christ all may find - Chorus


The word in Zion, God\'s city

Is, Your God reigns! for e\'er, so be

Break forth into joy waste places

Of Israel and of all races - Chorus


For the Lord has comforted His people

Redeemed them and they shall not fall

He has made bare His holy arm

His strength which does save them from harm - Chorus


\'Tis seen among all nations, he

The omnipotent God e\'er be

All the ends of the earth shall see

His salvation, His victory - Chorus