PoetVids - I am WriteBeLight only in Video Version :)

The Engineer and the Salesman

The Salesman\'s job,
Is a product to sell.
Can\'t make a profit,
If he doesn\'t do it well.

The Engineer\'s job,
Is to carefully calculate.
If the Salesman\'s promise,
To the customer can be kept.

The Engineer has to measure,
With precision and care.
Salesman wants to kiss,
The Customer\'s derriere.

The Engineer knows,
What can and can\'t be done.
Salesman tries to keep him,
Under his thumb and gun.

An argument ensues,
The two greatly bicker.
The Engineer wins,
His wits are quicker.

But, the Boss steps in,
Engineer knows that,
Boss will make him pull,
A rabbit out of his hat.

The Engineer is skilled,
Comes up with a compromise.
Company gets the job,
But, the Salesman gets the prize.

The Engineer\'s goal,
Accuracy is his mission.
But, the Salesman\'s the one,
Who ends up with the commission.