Tune: Bristol
(\'Hark, the glad sound, the Saviour comes\')
Matthew 3 v.11-12
John Baptist he did baptise hence
With water, repentance
Did people show and forgiveness
Received, he did them bless
John said, He that comes after me
Mightier than I be
I not worthy to His shoes bear
Though He does for all care
He, the Christ, He shall baptise you
With the Holy Ghost* true (*Spirit)
And with fire, His fan in His hand
To winnow all the land
The land of people\'s lives, He will
Thoroughly purge all ill
In His threshing floor, and His wheat
Will gather to barn\'s seat
And He will burn up chaff, the dross
Evil shall suffer loss
Burn up with fire unquenchable
Yet grace to His wheat all