
After throwing a smooth pebble in the lake

After throwing a smooth pebble in the lake,
I heard the golden sky grumble and the wind
Mumbled and sneered, the sun not far behind cheered
And in the fuss, a colorful drake awakes.
And watching, I said: It’s just the water rippling,
But there\'s no need for nature to be flipping.
And when nature laughed and said I’m not tripping
I said: So, then, don’t stop, keep on yipping. 

And then: Oh, yes, the ripples will continue
Flowing for a while—yet the sky has grumbled
And though it may moan & groan through and through—
This does not affect you. So, don’t bumble 
because of the ripples and in your touch, I knew
In your heart, you had felt the ripples too.