
The Worst Feeling

I just want to stop loving you

But I guess it doesn\'t work that way

In loving someone you have no control 

And in it you have no say


It\'s kind of messed up 

how these feelings come about

When they come, you don\'t think

and you don\'t have any doubts


You just accept them how they are

how they just appear

Today I laughed with you

one day for you I may shed some tears


When I talk to you

and hear your soothing voice

I have finally come to realize

In love you have no choice


You can\'t pick or choose

Who you fall in love with

Love is a feeling that just is

and when you\'re on top it feels like the best gift


See, once you\'re on top you don\'t want to move

for you could easily fall

When you fall, you fall hard

And trust, that\'s the worst feeling of all.