
Hours Speak

Undying universal bliss,

Of the far out green kiss,

Spurring expeditions, 

Lingering superstitions, 

Planting anamorphic visions, 

Blurring controlled collisions.

Fight scenes on the street,

Broadcasted where mongrels eat.

Three foxes, Three bucks,

All nomads rare in luck. 


Hours speak, Winds wave, 

Cat’s invade old burial graves.

Amounting bounties of bane,

That so seeps undeniable pain.


Jazz is company for the evening,

Screaming indecent melody’s.

Orgasmic traffic obstacles arrival.

Birds gone mad, vehicles senile. 

Hipsters follow the leader alright.

Pools of rain televise car lights. 


Hours speak, Billboards wave,

Hives ready their wallets to pay 

Bowing to mere child’s play 

Will their appetites ever satiate? 


Collective amusement contrived,

The buttered spectacle survived,

A Queen to feed.

Hotels of heat.

A servant of need.

Trolls to treat.

A relic of greed.

Myrtles to meet.

Halt! hollow crystalline thief! 

Gems belong only to the chief! 


Hours speak, Street lamps wave, 

Festival wolves begin to fray,

Tearing out guts of names,

Auditioning dull criminals to frame.

Conceit only empties pockets. 

Defeat only warrants targets. 

Meager beings won’t grapple, 

When derelicts sire sonnets, 

I chomped the big apple 

And I choked on it….