Lola Portillo-Wright

Pink Veins.

I have veins on my stomach,
You know, the pink kind,
The kind that only come about because of excess body fat,
I think you know now.
The ones that I can hardly bare to look at,
The ones that are intensely carved into skin,
That whenever I touch my tummy,
I feel them,
And they are growing like a disease spreads,
They started on my hips,
Now they are beneath my belly button,
And on my waist,
And now they are painting their way onto my thighs as well,
I always used to tell myself their not that bad,
That out of all the flaws on my body,
Their not the worst,
But then they were contained,
They peacefully rested on my skin then,
Now they are consuming my entire body,
Are my legs next?
I thought I could handle it,
I would call them tiger stripes in my other poems,
I\'d make them seem somehow okay,
I\'d make it seem like I accepted them,
Well I did then,