
The Rider and his Maiden Fair

That great blue roan once again strode;

And that stoic man; on his back he rode.

A beautiful rhapsody of muscle and steel;

Battle scarred, war weary, with an iron zeal.


The bank of the brook sat a maiden fair;

Her flock she watched with pious care.

As the sheep drank of that water cold; 

On came that destrier with his rider bold.


The man ensnared by this maiden fair;

Quaintly sitting, a beauty, calm and rare.

A rabbit jump did cause that roan to shy;

And caught off guard, that man did fly.


With a splash, he sat, in the babbling brook;

And that roan did cast a reproachful look.

His pride in taters, with her exclaim to share;

thus met the rider and his maiden fair.