
Younger Me

Dear younger me,

If only you could see


I\'m in college now

Three different majors and holy wow but

You should still be proud of me


I have a boyfriend

His names is Austin but mom and dad like to call him Boston

He is sweeter than sugar

But can be a booger (on occasion)

But we still really love him so

I hope to marry him some day and I\'ll give him and locket to stick in his pocket

That says \"I love you\"


I have some amazing friends now

I hope they are with me till the end

For I love them all dealry


My roommate is cool

She likes the pool and keeps the room cool

I swear she wants to freeze me out

She dances with me at 10:03

For we have a blast but we don\'t climb trees


I have a dog now

He\'s a puppy right now but growing as fast as a weed

His name is Porter but I call him P

He\'s my buddy who pees all over my tree

He chews up my carpet and I say \"Porter stop it!\"

UGH, he never listens to me!!!


This life I have now


You should be proud