Joakim Bergen


At the shore of time I stand

Where horizon’s body has decayed,

And sea and sky have mingled:

Now they’re One.

Here, where I am All,

The spheres of Heaven sing:


“God, Master, Beginning and End,

Thy Word hath brought us living,

And now it spells the end!

Father, Son, Darkness and Light,

On you bosom lull us into death,

And bring about the final descent!”


I gaze glassily

As my eyes become grapes.

And those grapes butterflies.

And those butterflies roses.

And from the bud of this flower;

I burgeon glorious.

In splendor of Death -

I live!


I am bursting forth from every seam of cosmos!

I am the liquid flame in the dying ember!

I rise on winds of defeat to the pinnacle of Heaven!