

A purposeful graze to the vein of my wrist

Gazing down with uncertain eyes

Following its path into its fading division


The touch moves downwards

Against the flow of the river,

The command of the moon,

The pull of a magnet


The maroon blood desperately clawing it’s way to the shivering hand

The pierce of the nail broken in its path

The betrayer of his other half


Fearfully the blood retreated

Coward they screamed

It no longer felt the path of emotions


No longer the sweat of its work

Snatched from his need to hold on to another

To trace the lines of his mother or gently wipe his lovers tears

Barren of holding a pen and flipping the pages of a book


The quivering blood slid its way back

It’s skin on fire, red and vulnerable

Did you find joy my love?

Of slicing the hand that once pointed to the stars


Have you seen what has come of it?

Devoid of your touch

For you my wounded soldier

I shall dream no more