Doggerel Dave

The Chair.


Not long ago I bought a shower chair -

(My feet move away but I won’t let them go;

They require attention to stave off wear,

I use the chair to reach them, every toe.)


Surprise! The chair arrives as a flat pack;

And so extraction from its cardboard box

Takes half an hour; I’ve no tools, no knack…

Yet more fun to come - a further approx

Twenty minutes to locate a missing screw.

Instructions assume I’m illiterate -

Diagrams only. Decision by who?

Three hours later I’d like to tell them straight….


……. But I’ll spare you the ugly detail – this ends now.


(Warm shower needed after – and not just to check the chair. Sticking plasters found at back of bottom sink drawer.)

…..And I still must get rid of the cardboard…