
Castle of Thoughts

My mind is my kingdom, and I take the space of the throne.

Though I’m not quite sure I want to be home alone. 

Haunted my kingdom is, like mold sadness has surely grown.

Left with no neighbors or friends to call my own. 

Lowering the flag because the kingdom is empty and quiet. 

Surrendering to depression, yet soon there will be a riot.

A raid of thoughts positive and negative both of which are mine.

Only having faith to be attracted to the good ones this time.

Only praying the bad thoughts leave my mind at ease.

At least my manners still exist, all I can say is please.

Please give me something to work with and a break.

Negativity has nothing to give my mind, all it does is take.

Sooner or later, I have hopes of finding my gift and potential. 

This writing is nothing but a transparent stencil. 

An outline of the complex sadness my head goes through. 

My thoughts are dark with empty halls and a ghost that says boo.

Maybe it’s just a rude hello accompanied with goodbye.

Suicide creeps in making a want to die, though I’m just a good guy.

As king of this castle, I want to know my gift. 

Thankful that God pulls over to give me a lift. 

So coming back home is just me writing on paper. 

My castle is hard to see, same with my thoughts for they are vapor.

It’s abundantly clear to see that I’m choosing never to be home.

Though I’m still present and around, just not wanting to be alone.