Our parents are our greatest gift
The bond we have with them, we shouldn\'t cause any rift.
Our parents tried to show us the right way
With each and every passing new day.
Our parents held our hand
While we crossed this land.
Our parents tried to show us the way
So we would know on which path to stay.
When our parents lives end,
We have broken hearts to mend.
When we realize, without our parents, that we\'re alone,
We\'ll be devastated. We\'ll cry and moan.
Our parents tried to show us love,
So we could fit into this world like a glove.
Our parents love gave us a bond,
That we could show forever and beyond.
Again I say, Our parents are our greatest gift,
So from our parents we should never shift.
We never know when the last day will be
So for our parents, we always should be free.
Free to make the time when they need us
So with our parents, please at them, never fuss
Show parents respect and love
That will go beyond and above
Without our parents, we wouldn\'t be here
So please my friends, to our parents, be a dear.
Remember, a parents love is always warm,
So continue to let the bond grow and form.
Written by:
Victoria (Vickie)Lynn Farley
Sunday, December 4, 2022