

When you look at me what do you see

                                    Im dying to know how I’m perceived

What about me drew you in

                                                Was it my looks

                                                                                    Was it my grin

Did my energy radiate like sunshine

                                    Did you think to yourself,

I have to make her mine

You say im not the like rest you’ve met

                                    Even have all of your closest family and friends attest

There was just something about me I suppose

                                                That seemed to peak your interest the most

Yet in the end im left crying to my friends

                                    Wondering what changed

Was there something wrong with the love that I gave?

Maybe it’s the way I dress

                                                Or better yet maybe there’s something wrong in my head

For I can’t wrap around my mind

On how something so evil could have seemed so divine

One last question

                        Before we never speak again

                                                                        Was this ever real for you

                                                                                                            Or all just pretend