
Returning Reality

Tune: Helmsley

(\'Lo, He comes with clouds descending\')

Luke 21 v.25-28

Hint: Words in italics have longer musical notes,

usually the 5th syllable of lines 1 and 3 of each Verse.


Jesus said, There be signs appearing

When His return is nearing

Signs in sun, and moon, and stars too

Which we humans here shall view

On earth distress

On earth distress

On earth distress

There be troubles, we confess


Distress of nations, they perplexed

Sea and the waves roaring vexed

people\'s hearts failing them for fear

Christ\'s second coming draws near

Look, observe things

Look, observe things

Look, observe things

That this great Day* to each brings (*The Day of the Christ\'s return)


Powers of heaven shall be shaken

Son of man shall be seen then

Coming in cloud with great glory

Majestic scene it shall be

Faith turned to sight

Faith turned to sight

Faith turned to sight

He the believers delight


And when these things begin to happen

Look up, lift up your heads then

For your redemption, it draws nigh

God\'s promise kept, no deny

Christ and His people

Christ and His people

Christ and His people

Fly to Rapture eternal