Ugochi Anya

I\'m Back....

When I\'m back is on the wall.

And my shadows seems to be seen than my real self.

When I read the lines of my life that often 

Tear me apart.

When my hopes are cast away

I hold you to the fullest

I will always lean on your chest.


I will beacon on your love.

I will keep coming to you

Not only when I\'m full

Not only when I\'m empty

I will keep coming

To an unsatisfying desire 

I have daily.

That always pours out from my soul

When I\'m with my Lord savior. 


When I\'m down with pains

I wouldn\'t think of how far troubles 

Have come looking for me.

But I will stir my boat to the sides

When you tell me to walk on the ocean

I will hold onto you

When the wind blows me 

And fears comes daily to my sides.