
Miss. Understanding/mind and soul agape

How many fans does it take to be cool?

Was it a record bass or a bass record by the pool?

Does the sewer draw a fly on a stool?

Does the match have a match? Is there a wind in the spring?

Does the watch have a watch or the telephone a ring?

Are you evening the plain or is it a plain evening?

In the game or dance did you throw a ball?

Is it only leaves that fall in the fall?

Who is it that leaves last of all?

What is left when right is right?

Do you pitch a fit in the fight?

Or refuse refuse when the fit is too tight?

A rose that rose in the pupil of a pupil is not a crop.

For sake we did cry, did you drop the last drop?

Did your sink sink or did it stop?

Did you see the dove that dove, the slaver of a slaver on his plate?

Did you make a date for the date that you ate?

Did you state your mind or mind your state?

Should I toast with toast, or take a chance?

Breath a breath, read what I read, or change my pants?

Did his entrance you entrance?

Should I intimate that you are too intimate with my chest?

Is a minute too minute a part of an hour to get the rest?

Can you bear a bear? Is an invalid ruler the best test?

Did I ask if the desert was just or too dry?

Or in your handkerchief wound on your arm a tear you did come by?,

Can you bow with a bow or tie a tie?

Can a buck buck? Does the does?

Can a duck duck? Is it too close to close?

Is there such a thing as a garden panty hose?