
God\'s love

God\'s love is shining in us all,

The question is,do we recognize it for what it is  and answer His call,

Or do we brush it off and ignore it,not knowing what it is,

We must NOT ignore the Lord\'s call,for we are His,

We will not always know He is calling,

Because we don\'t know how to listen and we just keep stalling,

What we need to do is surrender to the love of the Lord,and listen for His voice,

He gives us free will,and we all have a choice,

Our lives will truly change and God\'s peace will surround and comfort you,

It will not be easy to keep your faith,and there will be a lot of work to do,

The enemy will try his hardest to corrupt our hearts,

Just as he had done from the very start,

When he tricked Eve into disobeying our Lord,

But she didn\'t know Satan,and the same mistake,you and I cannot  afford,

Surrender yourself to the one and ONLY God,our Father above,

And allow Him to surround you in His neverending, unconditional,perfect encompassing LOVE