Doggerel Dave

Rampant Vegetation.

I have no garden, had given my bathroom no thought;

But a surprise Christmas present hinted that I ought

Introduce horticulture into this tiled site -

Quite at home hung off a wall fitting at waist height

It seemed to thrive: Monstera Adansonii toiled -

(Mini Swiss cheese plant, long interwoven tendrils coiled,

Green perforated leaves, vine like - climber it transpired)

Found the wall, was by its verticality inspired.


And every fortnight, more or less, sees new leaf, new height gains -

Hits ceiling: Where to next? An open window close by sustains

Its momentum as a voice from which as a kid I ran -

Aah! “Fee-fi-fo-fum; I smell the blood of an Englishman.”