
Happy Place

Happy Place

In the forest,

It is misting.

I sit alone.

All alone.

No person.

No animals.

No plants.

Just me, the mist, and the tall evergreen forest trees.

The trees seemed big, thick, and terrifying at first to me.

But then, the trees welcomed me.

The trees reached for me and said:

“sit with us”

“just for a while”

“while you cry, or even smile”

“we know how you feel”

“do you want some company, while you heal?”

“you aren’t alone”

“we are set and stone”

“we wont leave you, like everyone else”

“we can talk, and even sing”

“all we are looking for, is your Ring.”

I couldn’t deny that I felt the energy between the trees and I.

That’s where I wanted to be, and where I belonged.

I embraced the forest as if it was my home.

And even though I am all alone,

in this big, thick, misty, forest,

The trees got me.

 I can count on these trees to be here and listen.

I might be all alone,

But somehow the forest feels like home…

But funniest thing of all,

I feel like the trees

will be there for me

To catch me,

when I fall.