

Sun hitting my face bring joy,

I feel great and happy and; have peace of mind

I turn on the TV while heading to the kitchen,

I was in the kitchen making coffee; I heard a voice that said, \"He was just six years old.\"

The boy was just six years old and got slashed with a knife,

 The men who hurt him yelled, \"Get out of America.\"

My eyes filled with tears, and every teardrop was burning.

I feel hopeless and empty because there is no way to bring the boy\'s life again,

I feel useless because there is nothing I can do to help heal the pain

For Asian families and Asian communities, it was the day we asked, \"Are we safe?\"

It was the day we realized we were in danger;

While the news was still on, one thing that came to my mind was;

\"The pledge of allegiance\"  

\"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ?\"

Back in elementary school, I have no problem saying the pledge of allegiance, 


I couldn\'t get myself to say \"justice for all\" because I know deep down it wasn\'t for all

I wonder if justice is for some people;

I wonder if justice is only for Americans; originally raised; and born in the United States.

I wonder if justice would ever be for all people.

Only time will tell; I said to myself as I turned off the TV

 Sunshine became darkness filled with sorrow and pain but opened our eyes to the truth.