Niki Oz


You make me face my faults and let me know that it\'s OK to have them. You encourage me and try to help me. You make me feel as though what I consider to be my flaws are actually what makes me beautiful.  You make me feel so secure about every insecurity.  You make me feel hopeful about every doubt and make me feel strong about every weakness. You helped me realize every mistake only teaches you how to make the right decisions.  You make me realize that second chances and starting over is possible wether it\'s someone giving you a second chance or it\'s you giving it to another.  You taught me that it is possible to love myself even when I don\'t feel I\'m worth it; that sometimes it can take someone else\'s love to help you find your own. You taught me what if\'s  and regrets are such a waste of time; so now the only regret I have is all the time I spent questioning and regretting.  You taught me how to live when all I wanted to do was die.