Job Welime

What ever happened!!!

All the promises turned into a sorry,

If this love was a movie I guess I would leave the theatre early, 

I have bleed a thousand tears but I was treated like I was made of air,

I have tried my best, but I\'m growing tired of never hearing from people who promised they would never forget,

I mean, you were the superhero in my fairytale, saving me again and again loving me back to life, what ever changed??

I used to be enthusiastic about love,but right now when I hear it,my face gives the look of one who had drunk the cup of life and found a dead mouse at the bottom,

All my feelings sit at discouraging positions, disorganized a way only the devil could put them,

To me love was the single greatest gifts I have ever received, but to watch it fade in you the one who made me believe, I was worthy of being loved, it is a curse I\'d never wish on anyone,

The eyes that once we\'re so alive now seem dead inside and try as I may, all my efforts feel like, I\'m resuscitating a mannequin,

I thought I\'ve found a way but it seems I never had one to begin with.