
Tempest now rage in your love I will be safe

I was made  for you

Entrusted with a task to care for me

I Had a part to play as God intended

To care for you , be your shelter

Even when the winter cold sway,

clothe thee with warmth safe from the freezing cold

On hot summers day,

Shield thee from the scorching heat  to not burn

My mind set on loving you

Your fondness and irresistible charm the cause of my undoing

I gave without thought

The Chances of me fading away soon lying ahead

chances of me being sane close to none

The tempest tossed

My normal senses swallowed up by dark pools of unyielding flames

A punchline of a cruel joke

I am left to rot in the misery of your own cause

When All I did was care for you

In return I got cruelty

My life trapped and replaced with utter chaos

The Promises said with high vigor soon blurred out of line

Besieged by the fiercest agonies

Vexed with so much rage

I felt the temperature rising

The muddling rage ensuing mayhem

In seasons when I meant to smile like rays of sunshine I cried instead

The seasons of silence were met with an uproar

My emotions and thoughts like tempests raging

Your swift - shifting antics bearing a shock

When I put my chances all on you

I over dosed on the promises of love

That only turned out to be a cruel joke

At what cost

To only be miserable and dejected after your wretched indifference

Left to rot in the misery of your own cause

Not mindful of the troubles stirred up

The woeful affair stirring up a storm

Give in to love to subdue the storm tossed waves

Love more likely the only remedy

Perhaps if you be more kinder

Keep me safe from this muddling  rage

I don’t want to simply fade

Perhaps if you take a chance on me

Fight for a life where we both live harmoniously

As time  is in a rush, we only have now

we being fated let me not fade 

And sorrow your soon to be  mate

My hope that your own follies be not in effect

If you could Learn to be wise

To not die in misery by your own hand