ʻŌʻō\'s call

Those summer memories make me weep like a child

Lonely bird on a pitch black wintery night

Rip my chest and see

with your own eyes

Heart pulsating 

Shaking loudly

from a desperational cause


\'Don\'t forget me\' I scream

with my ribcage full of tears 

that fell splashing like the Falls 

ricocheting in my ears


I scream

like the last bird of its kind

singing to a mate that will never come


Echoes of the song still turn back on me screeching

crashing walls of my mind while

memory bleaching


And I beg you with my lips

hot red after drinking 

\'Dont forget me

and dont leave me\'


Of you I\'ll be always thinking 

For you I\'ll be always singing 


Don\'t let this love go extinct