
Cat as trophy

When my children were young, years ago

My daughter\'s black cat was her pride and joy

He was used to going wherever he wanted to go

He owned the house and was a pugnacious boy

He ran into a raccoon one night

That was wandering through the yard

This unwelcome trespass led to a fight

And the cat let down his guard

He suffered a nasty bite on the neck

After sewing it up, the vet installed a collar

So that, at the stitches he could not peck

Now unable to defend himself he could only holler

“Do not let him go out”, the doctor said

But one night when I was alone

It was late, I was ready for bed

In my boxers, waiting for my wife to come home

When suddenly the door blew open

The cat was gone, as fast as you could please

No time to dress, I followed to my neighbor\'s bushes grop\'en

Under his teenage daughter\'s window, bent down on my knees

Then a car approached, to my fright

It was his daughter and her boyfriend, Oh glory!

There in my underwear, in the car\'s headlight

Thank God, the cat had the consideration to stay and back my story