
Glass To Glass Does Clang

Glass To Glass Does Clang

Some times there’s just no reason or rhyme. Life carry’s you down the stream violently and you’re just trying to keep your face out of the water. Rocks and debris have taken a toll on you and you are bruised and bloody as you go. Your party has been separated and many haven’t been seen in quite a while. Tired and sun parched your drenched body hangs on for its very life. Another plunge takes you down under and you scrap for the surface and some air. Memories of sun filled floats down tranquil trails, flood your heart and soul. And you wonder to yourself what has made that peaceful water so angry? There is no music, no playful conversations, only focus on surviving the horror that has befallen your world. Finally there lies the trails end as you frantically paddle to shore. Shaking legs support a mind that’s trying to make sense of it, as the others make their way onto the sand. Soon all are accounted for and bodies tense and stiff begin to loosen up. And as night falls ore the busted crew, the hum of life resumes it refrain. For tales of valor fill the air as glass to glass does clang.