Niki Oz


If heaven was a place on earth, It would be in your arms. If home was a feeling and not a place it would be in your love. Your heart is like the air I breathe. It is an absolute necessity to survive. My whole life I have always felt like I needed a safety net. Not another person but something, anything, anywhere to escape to just to feel safe and secure. To forget about life and all its problems and know that as long as I\'m there I\'m going to be just fine. You, you walked in my life without warning and somehow became that place; that anything that could make me feel safe and secure. That thing that took away all of my problems. You became my heaven, my home and my safety net and so very much more. 
More than I ever could have possibly imagined or even hoped and prayed for. Your love brought me back to life when there wasn\'t even an ounce of hope keeping me alive. It was you. Not the Dr\'s,  not the machines, not all the medicine in the world; it was simply your love. My whole life changed the day I met you and has done nothing but continue to get more amazing everyday that you have been in it. The past 3yrs; the ups, the downs, the absolute hopless times and the most amazing; you my love kept me going. You gave me hope, drive, encouragement,  faith, love and a reason to keep fighting. You never fail to remind me I\'m worth so much more than I ever thought I was and you never fail to remind me that I\'m so much stronger than I ever knew. You told me I brought you back to life; well my love it is you who not only brought me back to life but gave me a reason to keep living. Your love is so much more powerful than you\'ll ever know. Your faith is so much more encouraging than I could ever possibly explain. Simply your existence is an endless power circuit for life. It is a generator of power, strength and life that is absolutely indescribable and endless. It never runs out of fuel. You are worth more than any words, songs, poems etc than you could ever imagine and I wish so dearly that you knew what you mean to me and my family for keeping me going. Your worth is absolutely priceless. It is eternal and anyone who can\'t see that is not even worthy of a moment of your time. I will forever remind you every single day what you mean to this world, to me, to my life in general. I hope one day you can see yourself through my eyes because even if only for a moment it is powerful enough to bring you to your knees. I am not only thankful and grateful that you, a complete stranger walked into my life and showed me what love and life truly is all about when I could never see it for myself. But I am forever in your debt simply for your love. Please, never doubt your worth because to some of us you are worth more than anything else in this world.