
New Life Of Wonder.

Why am I the way I am?

People often ask this question.

I am always positive,

Positive about my life.

I greet every day with wonder,

And am so pleased to get up,

Get up into a new day.

I go to sleep after each day,

After each beautiful day

Knowing that there is another one,

Another one to come tomorrow.

Why am I like this?

It comes from one day,

One day years ago.

I was unwell,

And the Doctor said the words,

The words that changed my way,

Changed my way in life.

He said these words:

“If you do not have this operation,

You will die!”

After coming out of the anaesthetic

My life changed,

I had been given a second chance,

A second chance at life.

And from that day my life is good,

It is so good

As I am still here

And will enjoy every moment,

Every moment of my new life,

And have enjoyed every moment

Since awakening,

Awakening from that operation.