Simply Marie

Just another ghost



You don\'t see me anymore

because of where you are 

It\'s not about the words 

just the way you were before 


Like I\'m doing something wrong

you just cant seem to find

Say I\'m just like all the others

you knew it all the time 


It\'s kinda sad to me 

to think of such a pattern 

Driving them away before

you find what really matters 


It\'s like another ghost 

in someone else\'s skin

A hollowed out illusion 

held inside your mind 


It\'s not even like I\'m mad

we never got attached

Better for you not to know

may have been the greatest catch


The thing that makes me sad

the way you seem unhappy 

Stuck inside your mind 

the you that no one else can find 


At least one of us has learned 

from this so there is that

How will you ever find out 

who she is and where it\'s at


Will always be discerning 

and look out for myself 

I know my heart has needs 

won\'t keep it on a shelf


Gonna keep my heart wide open

and watch my back real good

See the best of life unfolding 

in my lovely neighborhood 


That\'s all that I can do

with the way I choose to think

I can\'t fix the way you are 

always standing on the brink


Of some imaginary slight

or plots created in your mind

Alot of people do this 

I see it all the time 


It ends before beginning

because it looks to good

See only negative around you

knew you always would 


Keep blaming someone else

it\'s what you need to do 

So much easier for you 

don\'t look inside yourself 


No longer finding words

to engage in conversation 

Leave you safe and sound 

in your precious isolation 


Don\'t think you\'ll even miss me 

we never were that close

Wasn\'t me you spoke to anyway

it was just another ghost