
A Big Bit Of Fun

A Big Bit Of Fun

(Little Tommy Entrican: July 6, 2019)


So look at me here I\'m a bit rotund

But that just makes me way more fun

If I should fall I bounce right back up

Though things may go flat beneath my big butt


I try hard to thin with so little luck

And instead of down the scale just goes up.

I\'m so full of beans but won\'t you take care

Not to stand close behind should I foul the air


We extra large folks smile most of the time

But no one will notice when we have a cry

The high school pictures that we like to show

To the tune “My you\'ve really let yourself go”


And that\'s OK we don\'t stomp our feet

But mostly for fear of the flooring beneath

For sure we have a much larger equator

But we won\'t break the strings on the elevator


Do not think of us as being too much

Or blame us for sink holes and other bad stuff

Though I may perspire big buckets of grease

The really good parts of me lie underneath


Do treat us with kindness and give me a smile

Or I\'ll sit on your house till it\'s just a small pile

And give me a hug for I need it no doubt

And I\'ll try not to squeeze till your eyeballs pop out