Simply Marie

Under his spell



Leaving me alone I only wish that you would  

Not talking about forever just for now would be good


Can\'t meditate with you all up inside my head

Losing myself in you just something that I dread


These things that I do they really don\'t involve you

It\'s not really that I\'m mad dont even wanna be rude


Could not believe it was possibile before 

Someone could stay and not walk out that door


Influence my life like i would postpone

The friend that i made with you in that zone


Let this thing just be whatever that means

Pandemic friendship awaiting vaccine


God make me not want this to be something more

Words in my head when you walk through that door


She feels cold again he offers her a coat

Impressive behavior now she\'s taking note


Old fashion chivalry who said that it was dead

A gentlemen will wait before jumping in that bed


Before you came in my life I thought it was over

True to myself just tryna stay sober


Dealin with men who tryna be king

Ride on his throne he just wants a fling


Still feel like a queen when I\'m next to him

He\'s not even tryna be king he wouldn\'t fathom


Got me feeling so special deserving the best 

That\'s what he gives me above all the rest


The best that I\'ve had before anyone else

Hes got me cast now under his spell


After all of the pain redemption came through

A high standard man wouldn\'t think of leaving me blue


Gettin through challenges seeing it through

Forgetting those dreams now see them coming true


Takin the time clean out my own head

First open my heart stay outta that bed


Meet where we\'re at under each other\'s skin

Make a new life where we both get to win


No games power plays another manuever

Constanza hand play pathetic delusion


Lucky to have me he says all the time

No im the luckiest feelin sublime


If we were to argue the topic would be

whos luckier now is it him or me