Faisal (Winged Warbler)

\"The Melody of Her Ears: A Love Poem\"

Her ears, oh her loveliest ears, the perfect pair,
Gracing the sides of her prettiest face,
But to me, they are so much more profound place

Her little little cat like ears

listens my all sorrows and happiness all the year!

Her rosy ears that I love to whisper shooting words,
Her ears that I love to kiss all of the time and caress,
For they are the gateway to reach my poems to heart and soul.

Her cutest charming ears 
where I make her softy hair, back door to the ears
Where I put the autumn flower on her wall of ears

Her ears, so petal and small,
But they hold within them the greatest gift of all,
Her ears, so finely tuned and true,
The shiny receptacle for all that I say and do,
For they are the vessels that carry my love,
Straight to her heart, like a flying bird.

Her ears, the most beautiful thing,
That I have ever laid my eyes upon,
For they are the gateway to her soul,
And the sound of her voice, my dearest, makes me whole.