

Intensified is the color red, feeling love inside the heart. Melting within a core, before ignition of the spark. I don\'t even know you, for eyes are sore from sight. Something has grown wings in my stomach, fluttering to take flight. Thundering beats of a drum, pounding ever so strong. As if I\'m under your spell in the beauty of a sirens song. I can feel the inner light reaching out to you, for it is my soul. What has come over me, to lose this control? I\'m not sure of the difference between lust and love. It\'s chemical to chemistry in ecstasy as it is a drug. For there are varieties among desire in however to choose. All it takes is fire to light the fuse. The energy is erratic in warmth, feeling the deepest flowing through. I walk away smiling, knowing something\'s better out there for you. Every person that shines a light in my life, bright enough to glow. You are important to me, more than you\'ll ever know.