



Is it possible?

To suffer solely in spirit 

The chains of my illusion

Forcing on me a union 


In this prison of mind

I see through a prism of mine 

Distorting the vision of mine

Gutting the spirit of my mind


Resistance is futile

Relive the cycle of horror

Reconise it is you 

Who has always been in power


Always in control 

Yet steered by another

He weaves malign intent in your action

For you to later, uncover


Hiding in peril

Lurking when you feel down

In worry he jumps right to action

Oh, he\'ll help you no doubt 


A self-serving serpent

Selling self harming service

To sever ties to the surface

Solely for satisfactory purpose 


I purge myself

Butcher in manic

Greedy for relief

The viper in Panic


No Pitfall remains

For him to hide

I rise from the shadow

Shower him in light 


The flash stays not white 

Bloodstained it turns red

I gut him for glory

Mutilate the stump t\'was his head


Bury my teeth 

Bloodthirsty in flesh

Enjoying his pain

He would feel if not dead


The kill is still fresh

Intestines on the walls

They are mine I realise

Shaking down to the floor


I regret to have purged 

I feel now only the pain

In agony I sit there 

I sit there and pray


And in my solitude

In my mind

I see a shadow ursurping

A Shadow unkind


\"No one will hear you\"

A slippery voice says

\"You cut them all of\"

\"I am, what remains\"


\"In your darkness you killed me

You found the needed strength

But it is agony that births me

How could you forget\"


\"Remember I\'m here for you\"

He murmurs, as blood flows out

\"I could help you,you know\"

\"You must just say it out loud \"


He leans on my shoulder 

Savouring the view 

Defeated I give up

The cycle renews