
Circular journey

I was a fleck of energy before the birth of time

Conscious of so little, in nothingness, density sublime

Becoming a subatomic particle in the vastness of space

Now matter, many of energies forces it did erase

Then an atom to this transformation I did progress

The forces of attraction then, I did possess

A molecule how long it took to get to this point

Yet in this transition so little awareness it did me anoint

Next a major transition to the spark of life

Now conscious of my position being aware of strife

Billions of years of evolution to reach the human gate

Sensation, perception, and thoughts to formulate

I incorporate seven octillion atoms of the past

One from Pythagoras, Shakespeare a slave and an outcast

With each death a memory lost and a new transformation

When I\'m gone I\'ll always return to the beginning of creation.