Sassy Lou

Game Over

Lies, mind games, & playing with people\'s hearts -

Giving hope to both

Words that you tell to one -

Exactly the same to the other

I love you, I want you -

Don\'t listen to her; she\'s causing problems you\'ll see

It\'s forever baby you & me

Games, lies & many fables told

All of this is starting to get old

Never any truth from you ever said -

Just playing with our hearts & our heads

42 - Still trying to be a player -

Strike, you\'re out! This game is over!

Wanting your cake & eat it too -

Having two lovers & not wanting to choose

Grow up already; you\'re about to lose!

Been with you forever for a while now -

Time after time I choose you

Yet you just feed me more lies

Tearing my heart & world apart

Playing on my feelings & love for you -

Keeping me on that line & at your convenience

Jokes on you, I give up!

Realizing you lost me & it\'s too late

Not falling for your words any longer

Eyes wide Open; also I\'m much stronger