Mara \"Marzipan\"


 You were my friend, at least that is what I thought,
I could not prevent my self from falling, I tried to not,

I don\'t know why you felt you had to lie,
Now the truth is out and causes my mind to fill with doubt,

Now, here I sit astonished at my foolish naivety,
Showing your true colors, you\'ve lost your dignity,
You threw away respect, this you can not undo,
Severely disappointing is the best I can say about you,

I thought you were a better man not just a flake,
Beguiled I was, like so many others you\'re just a fake,

Now I can relate to the hollow, solitary tree,
the one among-st the emerald sea, engraved in my memory,
to still be surrounded by life and beauty yet mar it so vividly,

My love was given easily and never taken away,
Yet it was not my love, but my trust you did betray.

Reap what you sow, in time you\'ll receive your due,
Just remember in your solitude.......
what you did........
when some one truly loved you.