
MCD ( Mind Control Device)

Conversation is a dying Art

Many no longer wants to take part in reality

Like Elmers their eyes stay glued to the iPhone or the Android

Transforming them into i Robots and Androids, cyborgs that aren’t doing any Justice for the League

People used to casually gaze up at the sky now it’s more like Skynet the machines are rising

And the people are getting a rise out of the machines

Literally men would rather dock at porn hub than drop their anchor at the fleshy hub of a real woman

Women would rather flaunt their assets on Instagram then in front of their main man getting
Their validation from the thirsty comments and likes from a Simp social media has become her pimp

Instead of people keeping their face in a book they would rather be on Facebook tending to other folks business, checking up on the ex, or being down loaded with toxic propaganda and bull crap

The sheeple are taking pictures of their meals and flaunting their materialism cars, clothes, sneakers, jewelry, watches but yet loose track of time while on social media

You got more friends on the Net than you do in real life and more validation on the Net than you do in real life

I mentioned before about being asleep in the Matrix and the Last Poets told us that the Revolution will not be televised even if it was streamed the masses still couldn’t see it
Like starving people they wouldn’t be able to offer any feedback

They call them smart phones but they’re really MCD mind control devices

People aren’t even aware of their surroundings because the iPhone is the Apple of their eye

People can’t keep track of reality because their reality is virtual

You see your no threat to Big Brother or the 1% they just gave you 5g

Now they can make the sheeple Dumb and Dumber keep us in a slumber while they orchestrate the American Scream