
Tonight I Cried

Tonight I cried...

I cried tears of failure

Feeling like a failure to my kids

Tears of loneliness

Lonely for someone to come home to

Tears of anger

Angry that he hurt me, that I let him

Tears of sadness

Sad I can’t give my kids more

Tears of irritation

Irritated that he still haunts my mind

Tears of fear

Fear I can’t get through it

Tears of frustration

Frustrated that I can’t do it all

Tears of anxiety 

Anxious at just the thought

Tears of worry

Worried I\'m not strong and won\'t heal

Tears of doubt

Doubting my worth and being enough

Tears of love 

Love from my family 

Tears of calm

Calmness knowing there’s a plan

Tears of uncertainty 

Uncertain of the unknown

Tears of confusion

Confused why he hurt me when he ‘loved’ me

Tears of Betrayal 

Trust that was betrayed and shattered

Tears of Hurt

Hurting of a broken heart and torn soul

Tears of thankfulness 

Thankful for every blessing I’ve gotten

Tears of Confidence 

Confident that I will always do my best

Tears of strength 

Strength I\'m still discovering 

Tears of acceptance 

Accepting me for who I am and not giving up

Tears of peace 

Peace in Him

Tonight I cried. 

NM 9/2021