Joakim Bergen

Requiem For A Lover

Pity me.


Can’t you see I’m hurting?

Don’t ignore me.

I know you see the stains

Upon your blouse.

That crimson kiss

Of dried blood.

Twas your dagger

That cut me, my dear.

I wish no ill upon thee,

However I won’t feign love;

You’ve hurt me,

Cut me nice and deeply.

You know it.

I know it.

The sky knows it,

Can’t you see it weeping



‘Tis a heart’s funeral;

Don’t bring me daffodils.

 I trusted thee

I believed we could share in love;

Share in pain and in life.

Every moment we’d call ‘our’.


But now there’s a canyon within me,

A profound emptiness

That pulls me passionately towards the bottom

Of the soul.


There is nothing here;

Only a lone chair

In an empty room.

The room is gray.

Half-lit by sickly, warm-less light.

Dreary silence.

Words fail me.

Thought itself collapses.

Only an instinct remains;

An animal’s urge to survive.


But that won’t last, either.


And when all is over

And light dies out

I will one last time

Lay my eyes

Upon your face.

In my memories

We’re still young

In my memories

We’re still lovers.


That counts for something,


Doesn’t it?