

Why is this so hard?

Every time I feel like I\'m catching up...

Every time I feel like I took a big step forward...

Reality strikes and I realize that I took two steps back instead.

I feel so close yet so far and this is a dreadful feeling..

I aim for the stars but do they really want me?

Burdens of these exceedingly expectations weigh on me day in and they out!

I feel lost...

Did I lose?

Is it time to give up?

I ask myself God why me?

I want this but does it want me?

I know that what is meant for me will always be mine

but its starting to feel like I can never catch up

Alas is it time to give up?

Giving up seems like the easiest option but it won\'t give me happiness

this dream of mine is one that gives me peace and hope...

what do I have to do?

what more can I do? 

How can I catch up?

Lord I\'m tired!