kaetlynn ✿

loneliness doesn\'t exist anymore.

i wasn’t feeling lonely, 

but when she ended the call to answer her boyfriend i died a little inside.

with tears streaming down my face, i begged the black screen to answer my cries.

i knew no one was there.

i wasn’t feeling lonely,

but i sought love out in everyone i saw.

a little love here in a pretty girl at the mall,

a little love there in the boy who hardly gives me back anything at all.

i gave everything i wanted,



a smile.

i found love everywhere it wasn’t so obvious too,

in the cruel tongue of my mother,

in addiction,

but i couldn’t ever manage to find it for myself.

treat people how you want to be treated should be a dead saying.

should i treat people how i’m being treated?

i wasn’t feeling lonely,

but when my mother told me the kindest words got you the farthest,

i spent the day spewing out the nicest things i could think of.

is this what will make them love me?

i wasn’t lonely,

but i was most certainly feeling alone.