oludare Joshua

The father’s love.

Love, it can\'t be described,

It has no shape, it has no form.

Love , it is not an object yet its the  greatest

So small revealed by the father to his children.



He walks with us

Our burdens he helps us bear.

Each step taken along the way,

The loving Father is always there.

Time to time,

We feel the affection engulfing us all around,

His grace and mercy covers us

And  pick us  up when we are down.


What can be done to appreciate the father’s love? What can be  done to replicate the father’s love? What can be done to promulgate the fathers’ love to all?

What can be done to ensure sustainability of the fathers love and by extension to all?

The reason for the children’s existence would answer the questions

For nothing aside the answers to the question is a Yardsticks for appreciating the father’s love to the children.

The father’s love, a gift to be enjoyed and shared by his children.