Narayan Gadagkar

Me and My Heart

Me and my heart never move apart

Care for each other since the start

Health and well being of my heart

 My top priority after I touched forty

I held high esteem of this  great pump

Fist size tiny organ works day and night

Relentlessly pumps the blood  to all parts

supplies nutrients , oxygen, the life support

Keeps alive the organs, tissues and cells

And of course me and myself


The blood pressure was a bit more

Vessels pulsing the blood with vigor

But I have reined in the damage  for sure

However what puzzled is the fatty deposit  

In a short span cholesterol piled up aghast

Clogging its arteries was so quick and fast

Oh! slender vessels what caused the stenosis?

Resulting into ghastly atherosclerosis. 


No  fried foods, no fast food no  saturated fats

No cheese butter and  no processed  meats

Alas! how lipids made their way in my body

Yoga exercises not missed a single day

Although the bad episode in London passed by

Mystery shrouds the mind as what went wrong

Oh! tiny amzing pump,  you saved my life

Both survived now to care  for each other for life

Almighty has bestowed to rejoice the new lease of life .

                                                             ………………..Narayan Gadagkar