Simply Marie

Where the Soul Resides

I do not believe that I am carrying my soul throughout this life process 

I believe it is my soul which carries me valiantly and steadfastly toward my highest purpose even when I am not consciously aware at times of what that true purpose may be


For it is not in the way that the soul chooses to carry this skin

And it is not in the way the body may endure the darker sides of humanity


It is in the way the soul speaks silently to the sacred self to continue to strive forward toward what may indeed serve a higher purpose 


When there are no guarantees and no way to feel certain that the unfolding path will not be fraught still at times with both internal and external perilous challenges 


It is in the humility required for our humanness to step aside to embrace that certain feeling of risk while facing yet another vulnerable exposure


 Never knowing or having any guarantee that our true intention may be interpreted adequately or that we may ever even understand it fully ourselves 


Simultaneously we somehow continue to allow our authenticity to emerge exposing the truest nature of where the soul resides