
Through and through

It\'s raining out there.
Almost as if,
Nature resonates,
With the tears,
My heart leaks.

The raindrops,
Keep falling,
Without a stop,
Reminding me,
Of how we weep.

It\'s ok my love,
Do you hear me?
It\'s all going to be ok.
I\'m here, right here,
I promise I\'ll stay.

Let them all say,
Whatever they want.
Just listen to my voice,
I\'m here with you.
I promise you I\'ll stay.

Remember what, you used to say?
\"You never walk alone; I\'m here\",
Hear me saying the very same,
You NEVER walk alone,
I\'m here; to the end of times, I\'ll stay.

You don\'t have to show anything,
To prove to me that you do love,
The very same things you ask of me,
I ask of you now,
So hear!

Be happy, please;
That\'s all I ask,
Wherever you are,
Doing whatever you want,
But be happy; it\'s all I ask.

Don\'t cry my love,
Please don\'t cry,
The sight of you
Broken, ailing;
It destroys my heart.

I don\'t know,
The cure to your ache,
Even though,
I desperately want,
To heal your pain.

So I\'ll do what I know best,
I\'ll keep loving you,
Holding your hand,
I\'ll keep on walking,
To wherever your land.

So keep on smiling,
For it\'s us!
We\'ll be each others\',
We\'ll stay,
Forever; till our ending days.

A toast to us,
The you I love, and
The me you need;
The us, our laughs,
The us, our aches.