
My mother

My mother wasn\'t very affectionate

She never told me she loved me when I was younger

She never pampered me with kisses

But she did my hair every day

She made sure my bed was made and my tummy was full

When I was sick, she was restless in her care for me

But my mother\'s love you see, was not tender.


She made sure to break me before the world ever could.

In a world that destroyed her hope,

she made every effort to destroy mine. 

She told me everything that was wrong with my body,

she shamed me before I even knew the word.

I am her; she is me.


I am everything that was ripped away from her

and she is everything I despise.

I am all that she could\'ve been 

She is everything I can be.

It is in this light that I understand her insecurities

her desperate need to control my life.

She wants me to be better, but hates that I am.

I am the living embodiment of her fears and insecurities,

I am her biggest accomplishment

and her worst failure.